Process Indicators

process indicator Contrec 150 Process Indic... 150 Process Indicator
No image avialable Contrec 250 Process Indic... Loop Powered Process Indicator

Contrec process indicators are the ideal solution to accurately monitor and control your processes.

Our 250 programmable indicators accept a 4-20mA loop signal from a wide range of transducers allowing the process indicator to monitor temperature, pressure, density, humidity, PH, level , energy and weight and many more engineering variables.  The indicator features an easy to read bar graph in addition to the large numeric display.

Our 150 process indicator provides an economical solution designed for non-hazardous area applications.

Our  indicators are powered entirely from a 4-20 current loop so therefore don’t require any external power or batteries. All parameters are stored in a 10 year non-volatile memory should the loop supply fail.


To find out which instrument is right for your application, call us on +44 1422 829920 or email us at [email protected]